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Living in India – expat life 

India is one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, giving expats an affluent lifestyle in a country of stark contrasts and a rich culture, even though it is far from being trouble-free.

black-and-yellow auto rickshaw on road

Finding suitable housing and sufficient insurance for private healthcare will be your biggest challenge. India’s populous cities can be challenging to navigate. The colonial ties to Britain, where English is widely spoken, are a major benefit.

Accommodation in India

Finding a place to stay in India can be challenging due to the country’s high demand for rental homes, particularly in its major cities. Get your employer and a reputable real estate agent to help you select a place to live because the term “apartment” can refer to anything from a single, dirty room to a beautiful living area. Find an agent by researching the market and asking other expats for advice. Although it is possible to be charged for inspecting homes, it is not obligatory by law. Always be honest about your budget restrictions and be willing to compromise on principles. 

After you’ve decided on a house, you’ll need to put down a deposit, which can range from two months’ rent to a year’s rent. Demand receipts and a lease because these items are rarely available. You may also be required to give proof of residency, and single women are typically required to offer a character reference. India has both furnished and unfurnished flats. A furnished apartment is more expensive, and you may need to buy appliances. 

Local culture in India

When most Westerners first travel to India, they are often taken aback by the overwhelming number of people, noise, beggars, litter, and obvious poverty there. The commotion gradually becomes fascinating despite the overwhelming sights, noises, and scents.

Approximately 80% of Indians identify as Hindu. One of the advantages of the nation is its blatant religious tolerance; wherever you go, Hindu and Buddhist temples coexist side by side with Muslim mosques and Christian churches. Although discrimination is now illegal, you can still discover remnants of the caste system’s hierarchical division, which has its roots in Hinduism, especially in rural areas.

In particular, women are recommended to dress conservatively in large public spaces and small towns to avoid harassment or unwelcome attention.

Education in India

In India, picking a school might be challenging. Both public and private schools have very different standards. A variety of ideas and curriculum are also available. Additionally, entrance criteria are competitive and occasionally dishonest. Typically, school terms begin in June and end in March, with breaks in between.

Public schools

Indian children between the ages of 6 and 14 are entitled to free public education. They frequently lack facilities and receive little funding. Classes can be incredibly large and only certain teachers teach in English.

Private schools

In India, there are a lot of private schools. Although most offer English instruction, there is a wide range in price, quality, and curriculum. There is a significant demand for spaces, and waiting lists are frequently lengthy.


In India, homeschooling is permitted, but if you wish to transfer your kids to a regular school, they must complete a set of tests. Through Swashikshan, the Indian Association of Homeschoolers, you can locate support groups.

International schools

The majority of expatriates enroll their kids in an international school with qualified foreign instructors and the same curriculum as their native country. Even though India has a large number of international schools, particularly British and American schools, tuition is expensive and spots fill up rapidly.

Healthcare in India

When it comes to access to quality medical treatment, which can be found everywhere from under-resourced public hospitals to first-rate private facilities, there is a clear disparity between the wealthy and the poor in India. English is typically spoken by and understood by Indian medical personnel.

The medical care provided by state-funded institutions is relatively minimal and lacking in modern technologies. Family members are expected to care for patients while they are in the hospital, even though they are overcrowded and understaffed. However, there are many top-notch private hospitals in India, particularly in the larger cities and towns, so it’s crucial to have complete medical insurance while you live in India.

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