Immigration. Travel. Living.

Main reasons why a visa in the Netherlands gets denied 

The Netherlands is a tiny, flat nation with many tourist destinations and great places to vacation. There is no reason why tourists shouldn’t visit this great country, with its kind people, notable historical sites, intriguing terrain, delectable cuisine, and stunning coastline. The nation is more than just the Dutch windmills and sea of flowers. Millions of tourists and business travelers visit the Netherlands each year due to its popularity. But not every application for a visa is approved. You will learn about the main causes of visa denials to the Netherlands in this guide.

Netherlands city

Lack of sufficient financial means

One of the main reasons why visa applications get denied is due to insufficient financial means. The Dutch immigration authorities require visitors to have enough financial resources to support themselves during their stay in the country. This means that applicants need to provide proof of sufficient funds, such as bank statements, to cover their travel, accommodation, and living expenses. If the authorities are not satisfied that the applicant has the means to support themselves, the visa application may be denied.

Incomplete or inaccurate application

Another common reason for visa application denials is incomplete or inaccurate information. Applicants must provide complete and accurate information when filling out their visa application form. This includes providing correct information about their travel plans, employment status, and reasons for visiting the Netherlands. Failure to provide accurate information can lead to delays or even denials.

Lack of travel insurance

Visitors to the Netherlands are required to have travel insurance that covers medical expenses and repatriation. If the applicant fails to provide proof of travel insurance, the visa application may be denied.

Criminal record

A criminal record is another reason why a visa application may be denied. Applicants with a criminal record, particularly those with a history of violent crimes, drug offenses, or human trafficking, may be deemed a threat to public safety and denied a visa.

Invalid passport

Applicants must have a valid passport with at least six months validity remaining from the date of entry into the Netherlands. Failure to provide a valid passport can lead to visa application denial.

Previous visa violations

If an applicant has previously violated visa regulations or overstayed a visa in the Netherlands, their application may be denied.

Inadequate purpose of travel

The purpose of the visit to the Netherlands must be clearly stated and must align with the visa category applied for. If the purpose of travel is not clearly defined or does not align with the visa category, the application may be deprived.

Lack of proper documentation

Applicants are required to provide supporting documents to prove their travel plans and the purpose of the visit. Failure to provide the necessary documentation can lead to visa application denial.

Suspected immigration intent

The Dutch immigration authorities may deny a visa application if they suspect that the applicant’s true intention is to immigrate to the country permanently. This may be the case if the applicant has strong ties to this country, such as family members residing in the country, or has a history of multiple long-term visits to the country.

Political or security reasons

Finally, pass applications might be deprived for political or security reasons. This may include applicants who are deemed a threat to national security or have a history of supporting terrorist organizations.


In conclusion, there are various reasons why pass applications in this country get denied, ranging from lack of sufficient financial means to criminal records or political and security concerns. It is important that applicants carefully read and follow all pass requirements and provide accurate and complete information to increase their chances of a successful application.

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