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  • Relocation guide: Spain

    Relocation guide: Spain

    Relocation to Spain. The warm Mediterranean climate, a developed economy, EU membership, security, tranquility, and high living standards, as well as clean beaches, delicious cuisine, and friendly attitude of the Spanish, are just some of the few reasons for a possible move to Spain.

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  • Czechia: tax guide for expats

    Czechia: tax guide for expats

    Expat guide on Czechian tax system. The current tax system that is being used in the Czech Republic was established in 1993 and has proven over time to create a very reliable system for the government and its residents.

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  • Austria: cost of the property

    Austria: cost of the property

    Property prices in Austria. Austria is one of the best places to live, work, and study in Europe. This iconic country shares its borders with the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Germany.

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  • Belgium: pros and cons of business

    Belgium: pros and cons of business

    Benefits and risks of investing in Belgium. Belgium offers an open economy with a range of investment options for both foreigners and residents. It is the 48th country in the world in terms of economic freedom, a very stable economy, and a high level of investor freedom.

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  • Bulgaria: cost of life

    Bulgaria: cost of life

    Cost of living in Bulgaria. Bulgaria has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe. Travelers from across the world come into the country to catch a glimpse of its metropolitan cities, tranquil mountain peaks, beautiful Sea coastline, and ancient history.

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  • Italy: taxes for expats

    Italy: taxes for expats

    Expat’s guide on Italy tax system.  Italy has one of the most beautiful landscapes in all of Europe. Its ancient ruins, architecture, great-tasting cuisines, fun-filled people, and tourist-friendly policies make Italy a frequent travel destination for both expats and tourists.

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  • Expat guides: work in Frace

    Expat guides: work in Frace

    Working in France as an expat.  France ranks as one of the most beautiful and alluring countries in Europe. This beautiful country boasts of a perfect climate, amazing culture, great choice of food, drink, and bread, and their beauty all around the country.

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  • Malta: education guide

    Malta: education guide

    Education in Malta – Expat guide. Moving to another country is a humongous task for both you and your children but picking a good school for your kids allows them to settle down easily and minimize trouble in learning a new language or culture.

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  • Relocation guide: Costa Rica

    Relocation guide: Costa Rica

    Relocation to Costa Rica. Costa Rica is a hospitable country. People come here to spend their holidays and stay forever because they fall in love with the virgin nature and originality of this state.

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  • Poland: best universities to apply

    Poland: best universities to apply

    Top 3 Universities to apply in Poland. Poland is considered one of the most economically stable and rapidly developing countries in the world. If you were to choose to study at the University of Poland, you will receive high-quality knowledge and a European diploma, which is valid both in Poland and abroad.

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