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  • Bulgarian economy: is business possible?

    Bulgarian economy: is business possible?

    Business opportunities in the Bulgarian economy. Bulgaria, as a member of the European Union, is a country with strong and clear laws and regulations. Here, the interests of each owner in business and each individual person are reliably protected, which is why Bulgaria is extremely attractive to investors.

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  • Belgian prices on property

    Belgian prices on property

    Property prices in Belgium: To rent or to buy. Real estate in Belgium is a great investment in the future, a good opportunity to relax during your vacation in your own home or even move to live in Europe. Rental housing is an ideal option for those who don’t like to live in hotels during…

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  • Portugal for business

    Portugal for business

    Business Opportunities In Portuguese Economy. The Portuguese market can be described as a high-income market economy. The World Economic Forum published a Global Competitiveness Report for 2005, which showed that Portugal’s on the 22nd position out of 131 countries in market competitiveness, ahead of France, Belgium, Hong Kong, Spain, Ireland, and Turkey.

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  • Europe for retire

    Europe for retire

    Best places to retire in Europe. A common fallacy many expats make about retiring in Europe is that it is expensive and requires a massive budget. There are many great countries in Europe that can lower the cost of living and offer new experiences.

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  • India: Immigration to Europe

    India: Immigration to Europe

    Immigration to Europe from India. About 230 years ago, in the height of the slave trade epoch, a lot of Indian migrants were involuntary moved to the UK, Africa, and other Asian countries. With the rise of globalism, Indians have grown fond of moving around and are even proud nomads.

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  • Italy: work permit and requirements

    Italy: work permit and requirements

    Work Permit In Italy. Italy is one of the best places to live and work in Europe. The beauty of the country is legendary and working here can feel like you are on a vacation. However, you need a work permit before you can work in Italy.

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  • Estonia for studies

    Estonia for studies

    Education in Estonia. With a population of 1.3 million, Estonia has always been known as a place where you get a high-quality education of different levels for a reasonable price.

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  • Malta: cost of life

    Malta: cost of life

    Cost of living in Malta. Are you planning on moving to Malta? Do you want to know the cost of living in there? In this article, we’ll explain life and the cost of living in Malta.

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  • Belgian tax system

    Belgian tax system

    The Tax System In Belgium. Belgium possesses one of the strongest economies in the world. Located in the heart of Europe, Belgium possesses a multicultural population and history. Belgium is a major business center and has a conducive environment for creating high-yielding businesses.

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  • Germany: population and demographics

    Germany: population and demographics

    Demographics of Germany.   Germany is the most populous country in the EU with a population of more than 83 million in 2019. It ranks 17th in the world. Today the experts are talking about three clear demographic trends in the country: a low birth rate, increasing life expectancy and an ageing of society.

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