Immigration. Travel. Living.
Advantages of holding a Cypriot passport. When it comes to passports and the benefits to hold a specific passport, people usually are interested in how to get the best deal and additional perks. Passport of each country has its own strong and weak sides.
How to acquire U.S. Green Card. A Green Card holder is allowed to reside and work in the United States on a permanent basis. As proof of this permission, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services grant a resident card. This card is called Green Card.
Social and civil rights in Russia. Russian political system has been of interest to many, especially in the West. Russia’s civil liberties might never reach the level of the Western countries, but things are not as terrible as in some other countries.
Guide for expats: China. China is a large (2nd largest in Asia, stretching over almost 10 million square kilometres) country, occupied by roughly 23% of the world’s population. It provides tremendous intercultural experience for every visitor.
Popular Japanese restaurants. Japan gains more popularity for its beauty, cultural differences from America or Europe and extreme development of entertainment, like restaurants, outdoor activities, shopping malls and stores and night life.
Enjoy life in France. Many people mentioned the switch to enjoying life while living in France. French have a different approach to many things. Shops and offices close at 7 pm to have their employees enjoy dinners with their families.
Human rights in Hong Kong. To understand the human rights situation in Hong Kong, one must know that it is a special administrative region that is distinct from mainland China. This means that they have a separate semi-autonomous legal system.
How to acquire a British passport. You can acquire a British passport in different ways based on your circumstances. In this article, you will find out how to know if you are eligible to apply for a passport. There are several ways how to do this.
Best places to live in the U.S.A. According to the publicly available data the best places to live in the U.S.A. are Austin (Texas), Denver (Colorado), des Moines (Iowa), Minneapolis-St. Paul, San Francisco (California) and Portland (Oregon).
Applying for work permit in Latvia. Latvia has become a well-known destination among EU third-world country immigrants, due to average salaries, but low living expenses. In year 2018 alone there were more than 95 000 foreigners registered in Latvia.