Immigration. Travel. Living.

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  • Japan: price for tourism

    Japan: price for tourism

    Price of traveling to Japan. You’re presumably wondering how much you need to budget for your trip if you plan to travel to Japan. While your trip costs will depend on your trip style, generally speaking, Japan is best for tourists with some spending funds.

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  • New Zealand: education system

    New Zealand: education system

    The education system in New Zealand. More than 30,000 students from around the world come to New Zealand every year, primarily to study English. They are attracted by high-quality education and a high standard of living at relatively low costs of education and living (on average 20-25% lower than in the UK).

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  • Chile: immigration options

    Chile: immigration options

    Relocation to Chile. Chilean legislation does not provide for special schemes that accelerate naturalization (except for the program for repatriates). However, it is possible to obtain a temporary and then permanent residence permit in Chile rather quickly and relatively inexpensively.

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  • Bulgaria: living as a foreigner

    Bulgaria: living as a foreigner

    Expat life in Bulgaria. Bulgaria is located in Southeast Europe and shares its borders with Romania, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, and Turkey. Despite its small size, this European country has a lot of diverse landscapes from glorious mountains to breathtaking plains, hills, gorges, lakes, and deep river valleys.

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  • Croatia: work as foreigner

    Croatia: work as foreigner

    Working in Croatia as an ex-pat. The Republic of Croatia attracts many labor emigrants from different countries. But legal work in Croatia, like in any other European country, causes some difficulties that involve substantial documentation. However, this does not stop foreigners from intending to find work in Croatia.

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  • Belgium: best kindergartens

    Belgium: best kindergartens

    Best kindergartens in Belgium. Education in Belgium is considered to be one of the best in Europe, and special importance is attached to preschool education. Kindergartens in Belgium are adorned with the slogans “The child is the king”, and “Every child is the value of the crown” and these are not empty words.

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  • Seychelles: relocation guide

    Seychelles: relocation guide

    Immigration to Seychelles. At the eastern edge of the Somali Sea in the Indian Ocean lies a cluster of 115 islands that constitute the Republic of Seychelles. Victoria, the capital of the country is 1500 kilometers from mainland Africa.

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  • Bahrain: ways to get a passport

    Bahrain: ways to get a passport

    Options for Becoming a Bahrain Citizen. It is a well-known fact that foreigners find it difficult to be granted rights of citizenship in Bahrain. If you already have fantasies of living the dream life here, you might want to slow down the excitement a bit.

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  • UK: visa for volunteers

    UK: visa for volunteers

    Getting a UK volunteer visa. Volunteer work in the UK is at a very high level. She can help you connect more with local people and work on your language skills. Besides, you can learn new skills and work experience that will help you in your future work life.

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