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Kiribati: options of becoming a citizen

Flag of Kiribati

Several individuals desire to become residents of this utopia, even though it may be the first island to sink due to climate change. This page was intended for you to look for ways to become a Kiribati citizen. We’ll also talk about whether or not obtaining a nationality for this small country is a wise idea.

Nationality law

I-Kiribati citizenship legal system is governed by the 1979 Constitution of the country, as rewritten; the 1979 Naturalization Law and its modifications; and numerous British Citizenship policies. These regulations define who is a Kiribati citizen or qualified to become one. The notion of jus solid usually acquires i-Kiribati citizenship. It can be awarded to people who have a connection to the nation or to fixed residents who have resided in the land for a specific timeframe.

Options for becoming a citizen

People born in Kiribati or outside the country to native Kiribatian citizens who have no right to citizenship in any other country automatically become a Kiribatian citizen. Besides this way, the following are the options for you to obtain the land’s citizenship:

By naturalization

Naturalization is obtained by filing a request to the Nationality Board, in charge of immigrants in the country. Candidates must demonstrate that they are of high integrity, that they are acquainted with the native culture, lifestyle, and civic obligations, that they are economically self-sufficient, and want to live in the area. They should be capable of showing that they have lived in the land for at least seven years. Individuals who are granted citizenship must forfeit their previous nationalities.

Map of kiribati, gold glitter map on dark background Free Photo

By registration

Those who have family or historical ties to Kiribati are included in the citizenship by registering category. This includes Minor children*, spouses, or descendants of Kiribati ancestors.

*Adopted child of Kiribatian parents or a young kid living in the country for seven years can become a citizen through naturalization.

Steps of acquiring citizenship

The Nationality Act of Kiribati lays out the steps for a non-Kiribati resident to seek nationality. The following are the steps to apply for citizen status:

Step 1. Obtain the request form from the official site and submit it after filling out every detail.

Step 2. Submit the required documents. Such as:

  • The citizen request form,
  • Birth certificate,
  • Authorized birth certificates of family members,
  • Proof of marital relation (if required),
  • A statutory statement signed by people above the age of 18 who are close family members,
  • Verified copies of the petitioner’s father and grandfather’s birth documents,
  • Page with biographical information from a passport initially provided by another country of nationality.

Step 3. If the Ministry of Law is convinced that the candidate was, is, or is eligible to acquire citizenship, he will grant a credential declaring that the petitioner is a resident under the terms of the certificate.

Ending note 

Over this gorgeous land, a significant threat is looming. Kiribati is threatened by sea-level rise due to global warming, and the entire island fears sinking beneath the waves over the next 50 years. The country has a low-skilled workforce, but it does not force anyone to work, especially youngsters under the age of 15, which makes the country’s job culture appealing. If you want to apply for citizenship in Kiribati, do your homework and contact a specialist in the subject.

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