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Demographics and population of Austria

Urban population is more than 60 percent of total population. Life expectancy in Austria is almost 81 years of age that is similar to Belgium.

Population change in Austria are marked by birth at every 6 minutes as well as one net migrant every 9 minutes, that makes the rates of migration high. The most populated city in Austria is Vienna and Graz with more than 222 326 people living in Graz and more than 1 691 460 in Vienna. Per capita Austriaโ€™s economic growth, employment and GDP is well above average of the countries in the Eurozone.

Overall Austria has high levels of employment, high skilled workers, education system is better quality as in other European countries. Austria has a two-tier healthcare system which means that all individuals can get publicly funded healthcare, but there is an option to buy and get supplementary private health insurances.

Ethnic structure in Austria

Austria has many different ethnicities in the territory. In Austria there are approximately 185 000 Turks that make about 2,2 percent of the total population of Austria. Turks the largest ethnic minority next to Germans and Serbs in Austria. There are some Croats, Slovenes and Hungarians but the ethnic group is not larger than 50 000 people. Austriaโ€™s first language that is spoken by 88 percent of Austrians is German. Other languages follow the ethnic groups that are larger such as Turkish, Serbian and Croatian. Immigration to Austria is getting more common as the interest in country has grown.

Education level in Austria

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Austriaโ€™s education system is free, and the country has public school system with 9 years of education that is mandatory. The federal Ministry of Education is funds and supervises primary, secondary and tertiary education levels. There are Austrian universities and colleges meant for citizens and there is a graduation examination prerequisite for higher education in the country.

There are many course options in technical fields, humanities and arts as well as other fields of studies. Austrian technical universities give practical training, and other higher education colleges give trainings for teachers at many different types of school institutions. Austria is considered a high-quality education country in Europe and has low fees for education in case of foreigner exchange students. Education is more practice oriented that is more than anywhere else in the world.

Employment rate and skilled labor in Austria

Employment rate in Austria currently is 73 percent that is higher than in France and Spain in January 2019. The unemployment rate is 6.5 percent of workforce total number. Vocational education programs have a major role in countryโ€™s economy. Young people have a choice of programs of education and there is a low youth unemployment rate. Growth of employment will be mostly in professional services and accommodation sector as well as food sector.

Largest population of Austria has medium level education โ€“ about 50 to 60 percent. The basic digital skills are obtained by 36 percent of people which makes Austrian population highly skilled in comparison to other arts of Europe. Austria also is located among the top countries of labor productivity of employees. Austriaโ€™s strength in employment is business location iand qualified, and very motivated employees. Austriaโ€™s investors value professional growth and skills and of employees which brings the workforce to high levels.

Religions in Austria

Austriaโ€™s mains religion according to census of 2001 is Roman Catholic. Churches, Monasteries and Cathedrals are located in all countryโ€™s territory. For example, Viennaโ€™s landmark – St. Stephenโ€™s Cathedral. Religious education in countryโ€™s schools isnโ€™t restricted to Roman Catholic confession.

Protestants make other population of Muslim religion and about 12 percent state they are not religious at all. Jews in Austria were counted in year 2001 census and amounted in 8 140 Jews. Also 2 Protestantism forms in Austria are Lutherans and Reformists. Overall the religion in Austria is free of choice and there is a law that allows people to freely choose religious practices as they wish.

Life quality in areas of Austria

Overall quality of life in Austria is rates as high. This rate is reflected by the high level of social security of citizens, low crime rates and overall average wages. Vienna is rated as the most livable city in year 2018 in the world and the overall rate of life quality survey for Austria is 9,75 out of 10. Business environment for the country is fast growing and gives more opportunities for residents to build their lifeโ€™s in Austria. Country has great conditions for foreign and domestic companies as social services contribute to a brilliant level of social security.


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