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Reasons to move to France

Sunny beach panorama.

The hour-long lunch break is also appreciated among French employees. French like to enjoy 30-day vacations per one year and they like to take some great outdoor activities. Usual holidays involve hiking, picnics and going on bike rides.

Food quality and wine

Food quality is strictly regulated in France and in Europe in general. In comparison to the regulations that protect against many substances in United States and in Europe has a drastic difference.

Wine is another popular France trademark. The wine that comes straight form French wineries is the highest quality and the best of the best. French wine comes from approximately 15 regions which makes it one of the widest ranges of wine gotten from one territory.

Bakeries and desserts are very popular in France, as the typical French people enjoy a good pastry with their coffee in the breakfast. Croissants are one of the most popular pastry items on the menu and many associate the croissants with France and its traditions.

Nature and scenery

French have the most diverse scenery as the French Alps give a beautiful hiking destinations and beaches give the best resting spots. There is a lot of caves and tunnels to explore in France as well as get the best fields of lavender and other.

The temperatures also vary inside the country. Mountainous areas give high temperatures in the base and low up in the mountains. Humidity also varies in the country and makes it more interesting to travel around.

France is located in the heart of Europe that means all four seasons can be experienced living in France. Snow is often seen in the regions of France, as well as rainy weather. Hot summers are also the reason to go to summer houses in the countryside of France.

Building a family

France is a big supporter of family building as there is joined tax payment possibility in case the parents of a child is living in one household but are not married. Another beneficial French perk is that the partner that is not legally married can apply for residence permit.

The government of France helps with raising kids as there are special subsidies that encourage parents to have more than one child in France.

Public transportation is cheaper

Public transportation is the way to travel around as the cars and gas are very expensive in the country. This makes it a lot more acceptable to travel with buses and trains.

In other parts of the world traveling by car may seem the only solution, but in France it is encouraged as the gas costs a lot of money, it is better for the environment and it is more socially acceptable to travel by public transport.

Famous artworks

France have the most popular art gallery in the world Louvre, that makes a statement of French people and their appreciation of art. A lot of worldโ€™s most famous artists, writers, designers live in France.

Louvre at night.

The Louvre has more than 34 000 art works inside and have numerous rooms that have not only the artworks but also a prestigious design and interior. French really enjoy going to art shows and new exhibitions in galleries to soak in the culture of the century.

Fashion is everywhere

As Paris and France is considered to be the base and home for the most fashionable designer shops, fashion shows and resident fashion, it is clear to the lovers of good and high-quality style to relocate to France.

Paris has the most popular reputation for fashion and fashion shows. The biggest celebrities from all over the world travel to Paris and France to shop in Chanel, Dior and other famous designer shops.


Animals are acceptable

In some countries in Europe dogs and animals in general arenโ€™t allowed in a lot of places. France is a very animal-friendly place as the dogs are allowed in quite a few restaurants.

There is also a very popular fountains that are for the animal and pet enjoyment in hot summer days with good quality water to drink and play with.

Drinking during the daytime

For some this may sound very interesting, but it is acceptable to enjoy wine with certain types of foods in the lunches at work or during the day at events.

French really do enjoy a glass of wine and do see it as very healthy way to encourage blood flow and good mood. This is the type of tradition that might seem as stereotype, but really is an acceptable practice.

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