Are you seeking a foreign location that offers everything you need to extend your business abroad—such as a location, business infrastructure, and talent pool—and want to investigate a “newer” location with, perhaps, “better” opportunities? So, consider emigrating to Lithuania and fulfill your aspirations of relocating abroad!
The attractive Baltic country has recently attracted the attention of the ambitious and industrious immigrant community, particularly those eager to broaden their base abroad for jobs, residence, investment, or commercial objectives. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t do the same and put your hat in the ring.
Let’s discuss in more detail what makes the nation unique and why, particularly if you are a businessperson or investor, you won’t find a better site elsewhere.

Amazing talent pool
The number of youthful, hardworking, and educated people in the nation is astounding.
The population of the country is among the most educated in the EU, and it continues to offer a great pool of highly educated individuals for both domestic and international firms. The fact that Lithuanians speak multiple languages adds to the allure of hiring locals.
In 2011, 72.7% of people in the EU between the ages of 25 and 64 had completed at least upper secondary education. With 92%, the Republic had the highest percentage of any member state of the EU.
Compared to the average EU country, Lithuania has a higher education attainment rate of 30%. Additionally, 40% of people aged 25 to 34 have a higher education, which is more than 200% greater than the average for the EU-15.
Strategic location
The hub is advantageously located at the intersection of three enormous markets. The hotspot is also located in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) and has always been a vigorous business partner with its neighbors — other BSR countries — the Scandinavian states and Germany, as well as Poland, Estonia, and Latvia. It serves as a launch pad to the EU markets (Western Europe and Scandinavian nations) and Eastern markets (Russia and the CIS nations).
Excellent business infrastructure
The country may brag about having some of the world’s best ICT resources (fastest download and second-fastest upload Internet, largest fiber penetration in Europe, etc.). In addition, it serves as a hub for 6 business development parks, 5 research and business districts, and 4 logistic hubs.
Investor-friendly operating conditions
The government provides inexpensive services in the EU (one of the most competitive taxes & wages). It also has a fantastic INVEST LT+ scheme to pay for FDI charges. The administration also provides business earnings tax reductions for innovative technology and R&D, which is the cherry on top.
A key member of the EU common market
The republic is a crucial component of the common EU market, ensuring the free flow of products, services, money, and dividends throughout the region. No tariffs or fees with an equal impact can be imposed by Member States on products crossing internal EU borders. Equal-impact measures, unfair levies, and quotas are all prohibited. Restraints on the unrestricted flow of services are also forbidden. Businesses that do business in Lithuania have unfettered access to the EU market.
Reliable, secure, and stable
The country is ranked 46th out of 178 nations in Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index 2010 (CPI). The outlook for Lithuania was changed from stable to positive in 2011 by the Fitch rating agency, which also set the country’s long-term foreign currency rating at BBB and its long-term local currency rating at BBB+.
Economic freedom
In both the Index of Economic Freedom and the 2011 World Economic Freedom Rating published by the Canadian-based Fraser Institute, Lithuania is ranked 24th by Heritage Foundation. The country is ranked number 13 out of the 43 countries in Europe by the Heritage Foundation.