The area that is now Slovakia, a small nation in Central Europe, was formerly a portion of the Czech Republic. This nation has grown to be well-liked by tourists and expats since its independence in 1993. Slovakia is doing remarkably well economically and development-wise, and it has a remarkably rich and diverse natural and cultural heritage. People from all over the world who are looking for a high standard of living in a new nation are drawn to this combination. These are the primary motives for moving to Slovakia.

Slovak food
Slovakia’s cuisine is surprisingly diverse for such a tiny nation. You’ll like learning about the regional food, which varies from one region to the next, especially if you enjoy meat and dairy. Even if some of the traditional sweets are hard to get commercially, the local meats and cheeses are delectable, and some native sweets are worth tasting. Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to sample cuisines from Slovakia’s neighbors, the Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Ukraine, and Poland, as well as regional cuisine that has been influenced by these nations’ culinary traditions.
Slovak drink
Drinks from Slovakia deserve to be mentioned separately. The first is Kofola, which is frequently inaccurately referred to as the regional Coca-Cola. But going into it with that mindset will almost surely you hate it. Kofola is a distinctive and distinct beverage from the more well-known international colas, and both tourists and expats enjoy it and frequently bring some bottles home. There are further local non-alcoholic drinks to investigate. The wines, beers, and spirits, however, are the most intriguing. Naturally, Slovakia has an abundance of fantastic Czech beer, but the regional beers are also excellent, despite not being as well known. Although it is frequently of excellent quality, Slovak wine is also not well known outside of the nation. There is also a range of homebrewed alcoholic beverages, as well as Slovak brandies, vodkas, liqueurs, and other spirits.
The cost of living
Slovakia has one of the lowest costs of living in Europe compared to the majority of other developed, economically sound nations. The cost of living in the country may not be as low as it once was, but you can still enjoy a respectable standard of life, discover the local cuisine, drink, and culture, and take a short trip throughout the nation without spending all of your money.
The countryside and scenery of Slovakia
Slovakia lacks beaches because it is a landlocked country, but it more than makes up for that with stunning mountains. Nearly all of the area is covered by mountains, and there are numerous hiking and skiing areas, national parks, and beautiful lakes and rivers. Since most of the main places are conveniently connected by train and the climate is generally mild, traveling is relatively easy and convenient. There are many castles, cathedrals, and other historic buildings to view in addition to the country’s natural splendor.
The country’s location in Europe
Slovakia has plenty to recommend it for itself; it doesn’t need accolades for its neighbors. But while you’re situated here, you’ll have the chance to travel to all the nearby nations conveniently, affordably, and fast. You’ll very likely be able to manage quick journeys to the Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Ukraine, and Poland, as well as other European nations that are a little further distant, wherever you live in Slovakia. Many of Europe’s most famous cities are close enough together for a convenient weekend getaway.
Slovakia is unquestionably a choice worth taking into consideration if you’re seeking a new place to call home. To be fair, though, let’s mention one factor that might make it a poor decision: pollution. Slovakia has ranked ahead of only Poland and Bulgaria in a recent study on the quality of the air in Europe, near the bottom of the list. Of course, the quality of the air varies from place to place; the air in the mountains is typically the best, while the air in cities is typically the worst. However, the majority of expats live in urban areas, and if you have young children, Slovakia might not be the best place for you.