Immigration. Travel. Living.
Guide for expats: China. China is a large (2nd largest in Asia, stretching over almost 10 million square kilometres) country, occupied by roughly 23% of the world’s population. It provides tremendous intercultural experience for every visitor.
Popular Japanese restaurants. Japan gains more popularity for its beauty, cultural differences from America or Europe and extreme development of entertainment, like restaurants, outdoor activities, shopping malls and stores and night life.
Enjoy life in France. Many people mentioned the switch to enjoying life while living in France. French have a different approach to many things. Shops and offices close at 7 pm to have their employees enjoy dinners with their families.
Expats in Cyprus. Today, there are a lot of expat communities available in Cyprus due to high number of the latter, providing various events for them and meeting in order to form the social environment around these groups of people.
Austrian business overview. When it comes to exploring the business environment, one should be aware of its business etiquette and communication, student placements as well as internship, work-life-balance, and of course, the cost of living.
American culture and lifestyle. America has many differences to other parts of the world as the territory of the country is spread over 10 million square kilometers and split into states. Other countries are usually smaller in area and lifestyle diversity.
Living in Hong Kong. Daily life in Hong Kong starts with a view to a concrete jungle behind your window as the the area is small and population is large. The first thing you will notice is that living space in this city is in short supply.