Immigration. Travel. Living.
Top 10 reasons for refusal of Schengen Visa. To get to Europe you need to obtain a Schengen visa. This is the very first test that an immigrant needs to overcome. Very often, visa officers may refuse to issue a visa. To prevent this from happening, be sure to read this material.
Top 5 best countries in Africa for visit. Africa is the hottest and second most populous continent in the world. Two thousand languages ​​are spoken here, hundreds of religions are practiced, and more than eight thousand nationalities live.
Darmasiswa Indonesian Scholarship Program. This program was established in 1974 as part of the ASEAN initiative and only accepts ASEAN students. However, in 1974 this program was extended to other countries.
Ecotourism – the features of ecological tourism. Sometimes, people who live in metropolises need a rest from the noise of people, cars, gas-polluted air, and modern ecotourism directions will help in this.
Travel to Israel – travel attractions. Despite its small territory, Israel is home to a huge number of attractions – historical artifacts, vibrant cities, and the holiest places on earth.
Moscow – travel attractions and costs. The capital of Russia is a huge metropolis with over 12 million inhabitants, which sets the rhythm of life for the entire state. Moscow has long become one of the most popular tourist destinations.
Top 20 reasons why your US visa is denied. The visa officer is not required to explain the reasons for the denial of a visa to the United States. However, the main problem for the applicant is that the visa officer may suspect a person of intending to immigrate to America.
Work and Travel USA program in 2021. An internship in the USA is a great opportunity to gain new knowledge and skills, improve your language, and see interesting places.
Things you must know when traveling to Brazil. Brazil is the biggest country in South America and is covering are of more than 8 million square miles. The population of Brazil is approximately 200 million people and the capital of Brazil is Brasilia.
TOP 10 things you must do in Japan. Japan is a distant and mysterious country. To facilitate the task of composing your tour, we offer a minimum program: what to visit, what to see, what to do in the distant and amazing Land of the Rising Sun.